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Change your atmosphere while walk

MyNoise @ While Walk
Change your atmosphere while walk

Alternative ways to relaxation while walk.

Our life is passing with distracting electronic environment, social media where we spend hours, endless meetings, stressful traffic problems.
These activities during the day leaching almost all our energy. Even while walk, our phones do not leave us alone.
Nowadays, People are now looking for alternative ways for relaxation, meditation, motivation and healing that can applicable while walking.

Feed your soul with

Many studies show us, natural sounds and music relaxes and regulates brain frequencies.
Many technology companies are working on it to find a innovative way to help people for healing with technology.

In today’s article, we will introduce you a website and app that will make you feel more relaxed, motivated, healed while walk.

MYNoise @ While Walk
myNoise | While Walk

This website and app gives the listener the ability to customize what they want to listen / hear, build-up mix with different layered sounds,
create calibrated listening sets and adjust the frequency bands within every single sound in addition to animating them.

You can easily calibrate over sound chanel according to your pleasure.
You can volume up-down the bird sounds, frog sound, rain sound and more on.

Rainforest | While Walk
Rainforest | While Walk

Website has a wide and incredible sound categories and sources to discover.
myNoise provides you with an incredible platform where you can create your own healing music.

myNoise - Category - is the website showcasing over hundreds sounds or sound generators originally conceived and constructed
by Dr. Ir. Stéphane Pigeon who is research engineer & sound designer.
The website is a really great place to spend quality time time listening to sounds, learning about the website/app and reading the article about how sound generators are created,
even interesting information about the sounds you are hearing.

Below description is belong to “Northern Woodland” sound that has recorded in Finland – May 2019.

MyNoise - Finland @
MyNoise – Finland @

How to use MyNoise while walk

MyNoise is not only web platform. You can download the app from Android Store or Apple App Store, also you can find them in Spotify, Youtube, Amazon, Google Play.
As “While Walk” team, we are highly recommending to install app to your smartphone to get easy control.
Also, you can make a subscription to join the community to socialize and get more benefit.

As “While Walk” team, we found this site a lot of fun. We also added among the activities that can be done while walk.
We will be very happy if you share your opinions with us after trying.

You can visit the listen to music category to get more great advice for your walking activity.

Stay Safe & Healty,
While Walk Team

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